Life @ Around25, This month in Around25

This month in Around25 - Issue #15

As you might have noticed if you browsed interwebs the last couple of days, March 12 marked the 30th anniversary of www. It was Tim Berners-Lee who submitted a proposal to CERN three decades ago, having the title: Information Management: A Proposal.

Although the first network to implement the TCP/IP protocol was ARPANET in 1982, there was no easy way to write, format, and interlink content - aka webpages - through hypertext - aka links, as Tim Berners himself has written in his proposal. Proposal accepted and fast forward a few months: the world's first web server, written in C, hosted on a NeXT computer. If you're curious, you can find the complete source here.

On August 1991, www was released to the general public.
And here we are.

  1. 25 years of coding, and I'm just beginning Article

Thing is, you have to put your work out there. Period.

It's scary to expose yourself (and time-consuming to do it) but there's no other way. I'm not sure how you spend your weekends, evenings and early mornings, but it's a given that you can't build a portfolio overnight.

So, if you need a push, take this article from Ioana and give it a read.

  1. Writing good component API Article

I'd say this series on writing React components is a required team-read before starting any project. Or in the middle of it. Or right now.

Just a friendly reminder. Just to make sure you're all on the same level.

It's common sense advice to creating a decent & consistent codebase. And it's something that you might not figure out from the get-go.

  1. Please Stop Using Local Storage Article

What are ya saying? Just a rant about whether auth data should be stored in local storage or not.

It addresses security concerns like XSS attacks and proposes alternatives. It also got people heated up in the commentary section, make sure you check that out. Acknowledgement for this read go to [Alex Voica].

  1. Building a Distributed Log from Scratch, Part 1: Storage Mechanics Article

Q: What shall we log?

A: Everything!

Q: Should we log the logs?

Logs are simple. Events + timestamps. Ordered. It becomes more interesting when we look at the log not just as a system of record but a central piece in managing data and distributing it across the enterprise efficiently. From Cosmin.

  1. Compounding Knowledge Article

Expiring information vs knowledge. This piece advances some questions worth thinking about. Take the following:

Will you care about what you’re reading in a month? In a year? In five years?

I believe it takes some really hard pragmatic thinking to always dismiss irrelevant information/reads. But, on the other hand, doing this constantly can be tiring. I totally agree that leisure time should be used for education, don't get me wrong, but also for irrelevant activities that just help you avoid burnout. A piece put on our radar by Daniel.

  1. Have I Tried Enough Weird Stuff? Article

More of a listicle, this piece recommended by Ale Varro should be bookmarked for further reference. It even has a link to a repo of "curated list of awesome falsehoods programmers believe in". Ain't that nice?

Talking about nice, how about we have a look at /r/dataisbeautiful? (I know, talked about it in the last article as well). This time, we've got some Oscars fun. Enjoy it and read loads the next month!

Watch my money flow! An animated representation of my 2018 income and expenses. [OC] from r/dataisbeautiful
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by Calin Tamas

Mobile team lead at Around25
  • Cluj-Napoca

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